Please do not misunderstand- over the past couple of years we have made great strides in getting ourselves out there in the art scene- but we are no way near where we need to be. We have an AMAZING gallery both on Ingleside Avenue as well as housed at Market City Cafe in downtown Macon- galleries that celebrate and are open to ALL visual artists in our community. The question is- do ALL visual artists in our community know about us?
Do you personally know artists in our area who ARE NOT members of the Middle Georgia Art Association right now? Why aren't they members? What can MGAA do to have a 100% rate of Middle Georgia visual artists joining our organization? These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves. Once the question has been posed then it is time to DO something about it... not just sit around for months discussing the "why" of the situation, but actually going out and inviting EVERY artist you know to our next Members' Meeting (which happens to be Tuesday, October 12) or our next Opening Reception (just a few days later on Friday, October 15.)
MGAA was created in 1967- as we like to say- to "support the artist within us all" - at this point are we keeping to that mission? Where is the next generation of members? We can not sit idly by and let cobwebs gather on our doorstep; rather, we want that door swinging open wide AT ALL TIMES!
For more information on membership to Middle Georgia Art Association, visit our Members Page on the MGAA website.